How does an elderly black woman change the entire city of Atlanta? Here’s how - with a glass of Kool-Aid and an open door. In the TED Talk by former Mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, he shared his attempt to win the mayoral election by venturing out to knock on...
Here's a written introduction of the video but if you can, watch the video - it's way more exciting! The first month of 2016 is over and if you are desiring 2016 to be your best year yet, you have to check out these strategies I learned from KIA! Though...
Many years ago, the late Nobel Prize winner Albert Schweitzer was being interviewed in London and a reporter asked him, “Doctor, what’s wrong with men today?” The doctor then replied, “Men simply don’t think.” When I heard this from one of Earl Nightingale’s lectures, it made me question my classroom...
The Madrid airport was bustling with people quickly running to catch their flights. I glanced at my watch again - 2 more hours *sigh*. My cohort classmate looked at me, "So, what's your story?" I looked confused, "My what?" "You know, your story?" Ever since that exchange, I began to...
I had the pleasure of representing all of the teachers at the board meeting in June in New York City. Here is my review on their site: Enjoy! Tales from the Boardroom P.S Be sure to comment on their site in the comment section below! They want to hear from you! CMO-Katie...
I don't know what started it but while I was in Japan and South Korea last summer, I just started taking pictures of random flowers that caught my eye. Since my focus of the trip was to see these cultures through the arts, I guess these beautiful creations didn't...
One of my educational mentors, Scott Bedley, once told me, “Genein, you can’t expect your students to do something you’re not willing to do yourself.” That struck a cord with me and I now make sure that I’m doing what I expect them to do, if not more. 'Be life...
Have you ever admired a wristwatch? Not just any old watch but a top of the line Movado that not only told time but also the date, your altitude, your heart rate AND it did with style? is like that Movado; beautiful, efficient and the top of its class...
Charlie 'Bird' Parker once said, "If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn." Award-winning educator, Cassie Cox, cleverly connected this statement to the importance of educators "experiencing for ourselves what we hope to inspire." As Cassie headed to New York to study Duke Ellignton's contribution to...
That title was from a phrase an college friend would always say when talking about their dream of visiting South Korea. It's only fitting and proper that I label my final travel blog with it. Seoul, (which actually isn't pronouced 'soul' but 'se-uul') is a bubbling metropolitan sprinkled with art establishments,...
After flying from Hiroshima, Japan to Seoul, South Korea we embarked on a long bus ride to the east coast to Gangnuem. Though this was no Shinkansen (Japanese bullet train), traveling through this Korean countryside was relaxing within itself. The mountains during the ride from west South Korea (Seoul) to...
The cries. The wails. The sounds every parent holds their breath to hear. He's here. He's finally here! Healthy and crying with a full set of fingers and toes, they greeted their baby boy on the dawn of the morning, August 6th, 1945.Then it came.And in one second, he...
If Tokyo is the epicenter of the modern Orient, then Kyoto is like the #TBT (throwback Thursday) of Japan. Holding on to its distinct heritage, Kyoto is must see, with its cobblestone stone streets and temples galore, especially if you are on a educational cultural trek like I am.Surrounded...
Our last two days in Tokyo were completely filled. After many mentions from friends who have visited Japan (thanks Adam!), at the last minute I decided to visit the famous Tsukijo Fish Market in Tokyo. One must rise with the morning sun to be able to watch the exciting...