How To Embrace Your Individuality in a World of Conformity – Global Artist & Author Simon Silva – Episode # 67

How do you cultivate creativity? Simon is here to show us how!
Distinguished artist, acclaimed speaker, and celebrated author – Simón Silva champions the way for a society filled with confident, creative, and critical thinkers equipped with the 21st century skills necessary to better the world.
Learn why individuality and observation is critical in this post pandemic era and how the arts can increase these skills in non-artist fields and disciplines.
Silva’s renowned artwork continues to appear in many distinguished places globally; and beautifully complements his message of hope, perseverance, and individuality. Silva enjoys traveling the country sharing how to “Cultivate a Creative Mind” at his in-demand workshops and keynotes; inspiring others to overcome their obstacles, regain their creative confidence, and embrace their individuality, which (Silva discovered firsthand), is their greatest asset.
Simon’s Art (Found on his website)
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