Guest Appearance on Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income Podcast
I had the opportunity to share my journey as a black entrepreneur trying to make a positive change in communities and within systems on Pat Flynn’s podcast, Smart Passive Income. With over 60 million downloads for this SPI podcast, this was an amazing opportunity to share with the world why financial and creative empowerment within the education system is a part of this 2020 shift we are in. The time is now.
Here are Pat’s words about this SPI initiative:
Last week, I delivered a message from our team that we wanted to spend some extra time listening to SPI’s Black community as both the start of our active role as anti-racists and as the beginning of making a more conscious effort to include more voices of color in the work we do.
And as I was editing this, as I was listening to every single person who spoke, I just spent some time reflecting on the messages that were shared and one thing definitely came to mind. These voices need to get heard. We need to have more conversation. We need to have more listening. And I’m so thankful that we have this opportunity here to come together to allow for this platform to share and showcase these messages and to listen, to learn, and to hopefully, take action.
So, continue to sit in discomfort and continue educating yourself and those around you. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. I appreciate you. Thank you again for listening, and please feel free to share this with whoever you’d love to share it with. Thank you. And as always, #TeamFlynnforthewin. Peace.
-Pat Flynn
Genein’s section starts at [6:44]. Listen to the episode here:
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