How To Find Your Diamonds of Opportunity
She gave me life.
Therefore the least I could do was give her the stars.
This was the thought that ran through my mind as I watched my mother lounging back under a blanket of twinkling lights at Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park.
Following her gaze I stared above the cliffs. It looked like someone tossed a gallon full of yogurt covered raisins across the night sky. Different brightness. Different sizes. Different colors. Same effect.
Just pure wonder.
It dawned on me. Why don’t I see this on every occasion when I stare into the midnight sky?
Do the stars leave their position when I’m not looking? Do they take a hiatus or sabbatical when I’m in the city of Angels?
Where do they go?
Well, fact has it that they still remain. They do not leave but it is the pollution that comes. Due to light pollution and smog pollution it is I that lost the freedom to see.

Opportunities are all around us, like diamonds twinkling with the possibilities of bringing brighter solutions to dark situations. The issue is, due to pollution, we’re blinded to being able to perceive them as opportunities, if we see them at all.
Creative pollution can come in many forms. The first being the belief that you are not creative. Why even look for creative ways to solve problems if you don’t even believe you are able to? On top of that, some people believe they are not creative because they’re confusing creativity with artistry. I talk more about that here.
Other types of pollution involve your mind being cloudy with smog. Employing exercises like deep breathing, meditation, and allowing your mind to wonder are ways to clear the creative smog. A sharp creative brain is a beautiful sight, just like the masterpiece at Glacier Point.
Be intentional about lowering the amount of mental pollution in your life. Mindless media, toxic relationships and poor mental thinking are all deadly pollutants to your creative thinking abilities.

I’m a city girl. Born and raised in Los Angeles, the few twinkling lights above me was my norm until my mother gave me the stars.
I didn’t know what I was missing until I saw what I was missing.
This is true for your creativity as well. You’ll never know what you can do until you expose yourself to new opportunities and challenges.
Put yourselves in situations that grow your problem solving abilities. Create new methods, contribute unique ideas and propose novel solutions.
Venture out into the unknown.
It’s easy to regurgitate formulas that have already been proven. Some of the hardest ideas to pull off are the ones that are your own.
You can do this but you’ll never know unless you try.
For 2020, let’s get rid of the pollution in our lives and position ourselves to take advantage of every opportunity and fully enjoy the stars. Need to take an advantage of an obvious opportunity?
Join us at our CREATE2020 conference on February 22nd, 2020! Click here for more info!

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